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Game Changers

Let’s make your sales and marketing a game changer

Your brand. Your content. Your people.

They matter.

In sales and marketing, you a need game. It’s about you and your personality – but not all about you.

Here’s how we up your game

Disruptivv Marketing ups your game.

Company Personal Branding

If you look and sound the same as everyone else, how does anyone even know who you are? And why would they care?

Bland is adequate – until it’s not.

Bland is inoffensive – until it’s not.

Bland is… Well, it’s bland.

Best case scenario, you’re adequate and inoffensive. Worst case scenario, literally no one cares. Possibly not even your dog. (Or the neighbour’s dog, if you don’t have a dog.)

It’s like one of those waking dreams, when you’re at a party but no one can see you. You can try as hard as you like, but you just won’t get anyone’s attention.

You want people to know you’re there – and still not be able to stop talking about how great you are. You want people to be looking out for you before you’ve even arrived at the party. You should be the party.

Disruptivv can help you get that party started.

We’ll find your brand personality and make sure it gets its time to shine under the disco lights. We’ll help you show the world why they should care. Why you matter. Why you’re the one they need.

Ready to RSVP?

Company Employer Branding

Remember when all you needed to do was put some beanbags and a ping-pong table in a funky room and you were the world’s best employer? People would be queuing up outside your door, asking to work for you? For free?

No? Well, those days are gone anyway, but you should still have the right people falling over themselves to work with you.

That doesn’t happen by itself.

You need personality. The right personality.

Otherwise they’ll be off down the road and the next thing you know they’re playing ping-pong and lying on beanbags for your competition.

And you’ll be wondering why you always end up with mediocre people who don’t really care. The ones for whom it’s just a job and they’re working for you because – well, just because.

It’s not about transforming your brand into something you’re not. It’s about communicating who you are and what you’re about. Clearly, honestly, and in a way that reflects your personality.

Disruptivv can help you make them want that job before you’ve even advertised it. Whether or not you have beanbags.

Ready to up your ping-pong game?

Video Branding

Video gets you noticed.

Video helps you tell a story.

Video draws your audience in.

Video is vying for the title of King of Content.

But video can be hard to make. Tricky to film, time consuming to edit. There’s storyboarding, scripting, directing, location, lighting, equipment, props, audio – for starters. Not everyone is keen to be a star or talk on camera. Not everyone wants their five minutes of fame.

Be bold and be seen.

Or hide behind the camera.

Either way, you should be making video content to help your brand connect and convert.

Disruptivv can make your video, either with you or for you. We can make your people the stars – or not. And we can help you make your video content king. You can even use actors or celebrities. Maybe not the actual King, though. We’re connected, but not that connected.

Ready to roll the tape?

Content Marketing

If you have content – video, blogs, brochures, podcasts, white papers, whatever – you need a plan to market it. And then you need to actively market it. Posting it and hoping it’ll go viral is not a plan.

There are so many ways to market your content. Social media, email marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO), paid advertising, strategic partnerships, direct marketing, etc, etc, etc.

Where do you start?

And where do you stop?

How do you measure it?

And what are the numbers even telling you?

Disruptivv content marketing takes away the guesswork. It gives you the plan and the reason for the plan.

The plan helps you reach the people you want to and get those new likes, shares, followers, and – most importantly – sales. The plan helps you measure your marketing and understand what the numbers are telling you, so you can change it when you need to.

Maybe you’ll go viral, who knows. But even going viral is worthless without a plan for what you’ll do if you go viral. (Party diva or not, beanbags or no beanbags, king or no king.)

Ready to work that content?

Paid Advertising

You can pay to get in front of your ideal customer. Easy. But getting in front of every Tom / Dick / Harriet is just the start.

If you’ve got nothing convincing to say and no personality – or if your ads are encouraging the wrong people to click – you’re wasting your time and money.

You want the clicks – all the clicks – but the clicks that convert. You don’t want every man and his dog (unless you’re selling dog treats). You specifically want Tom, Dick, or Harriet. And bland, unfocused campaigns won’t get you the right clicks.

Disruptivv paid advertising campaigns are designed to do what you need them to do. They will still need constant monitoring and tweaking, but it will be based on data, not hope. We do the work behind the scenes too. We react to make your target clients react.

Ready to get things clicking?

Premium Service

Where Else Can You Find A Better ROI?

Remember, our premium service extends beyond the ordinary, providing you with a comprehensive digital marketing strategy that’s tailor-made to your business. This includes targeted campaigns, SEO optimisation, and data analytics to ensure you remain top-dog.

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